The Services We OfferEC offers a wide range of services for project design, construction and/or operation in different industries, e.g.: heat and nuclear power industry; mineral resources upstream and downstream projects; chemical and pharmaceutical; transport and communications; loading/unloading terminals, port facilities, etc.
Environmental Services:
Environmental Impact Assessment studies and products and Environmental Protection Books for existing or designed facilities.
Environmental and HSE-oriented field and desk studies, monitoring programs and procedures.
Quantitative environmental standards and limits, certification services.
Environmental calculations, mathematical modeling and environmental impact forecast.
Building environmental GIS systems and GIS-based maps.
Environmental audit.
Calculation of the environmental impact-based payments, e.g.: - Payment for use of natural resources (such as land, water, forest, biotic resources); - Payment for pollution of environment (discharge, emission, waste disposal); - Payment for remediation of land and rehabilitation of natural resources (performed by third parties).
Environmental risk and damage evaluations.
Environmental consulting on HSE legislation and management practices.
Progressing the deliverables through regional and federal approvals.